Makerlog roadmap for 2019... What would you like to see?
Hey folks!!
I'm always in active search of user feedback and ideas, and this is yet another feedback thread to see what you guys are looking for from Makerlog this quarter.
Also, side question- events!! What would you love for Makerlog to host? 🤔
I'm making a website/Reddit community called Maker Interviews, I would love that to collide with Makerlog and of dead).
Something small, but it could be cool to break out a few different notification badges, similar to how FB has an icon for friend requests, messages, and then general notifications. Right now everything is grouped, and I barely look at it due to 'praise' not really being a priority notification, but it drowning everything else out. If 'comments' and 'praise' were separated somehow I'd be able to see and respond to comments a lot more easily, meaning I'd probably start opening the notification tray regularly.
I can think of a lot of things.
Votes / Likes for comments
sometimes i don't necessarily want to answer but want to support the opinion. The only possibility is a gif right now. :D
Votes / Likes for discussions
same as for -> Votes / Likes for comments
Task types
Would be cool if you could make your own task types. In principle this would only be that you can assign an emoji to your own task type.
Discussions updates
Now it depends on what exactly you want to do with Makerlog. There's a lot missing from the discussions. Among others: Emoji selection, preview of the Markdown.
- Ability to upload images/video in Telegram bot
- Figma Integration 🙈
- Clap is not working all time. Sometimes when I click it increases more than I pressed (Ex - When I press once it counts 5 or 6) or It immediately says too much praise and reset to zero ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- Ability to make the stats public
- Makerlog Hackathon
1 is high priority for me :)
Figma integration - not sure how that'd work.
Praise has always been broken! I will try and fix it again.
Makerlog hackathon is coming :)
Feature to follow projects. Sometimes I see a really interesting project that I want to follow/know when it's launched, but not necessarily prefer to follow the maker since he/she might be working on loads of other stuff
Hmm, you can use a cron script with the PHP Makerlog client.
$Project = $Makerlog->getProjects()->getProject(1337);
if ($Project->isLaunched()) {
// send mail, sms, message
:D :D :D
Top 5 most praised tasks in the sidebar, daily.
+1 and making maker of the day weekly assigned to the highest praised user that week.
Only one thing: the weekend mode should not remove rest days. OR it should be possible to set an employer status. If employer status is equal to "employed", the weekend should not remove rest day (in my opinion).
Otherwise, i stay with it: i'm completely satisfied!
Textarea instead of input-field to enter your task. I completely forgot how I started the sentence and it's difficult navigation with only one line of text. Auto-expanding textarea would be nice 👌
A button to add tasks from anywhere on the website would be nice, like Twitter. In Twitter, there's always a 'Tweet' button so that you can tweet from anywhere. This button can be placed opposite to Crisp chat button
Some massive love to this board. I want to get into using it, but for some reason the design is hard, the text is too light on the white background, and it could benefit from a little more standing out.
Make it possibly to drag and drop and image without having to click the camera icon 📷
@sergio what about Maker Help? Where makers could request help for their projects.
For example, I would like to find someone who could check the English language on the (just a few sentences). In turn, I was able to advise someone in the UI/UX design, including drawing a sketch.
Clicking on the Profile picture in the top right corner should take you to your profile, instead of having to navigate to "You" in the drop every time.
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