Max Diamond


Added a Changelog to MRVN.

To keep things open with my side project, I added a changelog and known bugs section (And redesigned the docs for the millionth time πŸ˜…)

Added an Admin panel using AdminBros

Was a bit tricky to get set up. This will run separately from the main MRVN service. Using AdminBros has saved me probably 3/4 days of development building a panel myself πŸ˜…

Redesigned the home page for MRVN

Stats now show the total webhooks processed, as well as the total Discord, Slack and Telegram messages sent.

I also included a section to show which platforms' webhooks it supports

Redesigned Home Page with Typed.JS

See a working version here πŸ˜€

Redesigned parts of the home page on MRVN

[![Image from Gyazo](](

Fixed a bunch of bugs on MRVN

This was an accidental task, I was going to "soft-launch" MRVN and once it hit production some services broke which I had to fix. πŸ˜…

Set up a better dev environment for MRVN

Normally I have two .env files, one for production, one for development envionment. Today, I sorted the code out and unified them into one .env file to keep things easier to work on when deploying MRVN

Rebuilt the docs

I finished building the docs a few days in VuePress. Then the inner perfectionist in me decided they didn't look good enough and so I rebuilt them in Nuxt using the Content module.

Light theme dashboard added.

I originally planned to just build a dark theme, but there's only so much dark theme you can have in life.

The dashboard is built in TailwindCSS and uses their dark mode theme.

Added GitHub Oauth to MRVN :D

Didn't take too long to add in but it means I can remove email signup and a few other endpoints that were bloating the app

Added Cat API to MRVN to give user's cat profile pictures

Ivan Mir



Fetched data from Restify API using EmberJS Model Hooks

The Restify API has an endpoint that gets a current count of documents in a MongoDB collection.

Using a model hook in emberJS, I pulled the data and displayed it on the frontend.

Welcome to Makerlog!