Max Diamond


Stripe Subscription rework. Events system update.

Still a long way to go for Horizon so I won't hit my deadline of the 31st. However, I'm pretty proud of what I've achieved so far 😁

Cleaned up messy code in Horizon's codebase

Originally the Plan section and Settings section were two separate pages. Now they're happily together forever πŸ˜„

Design inspired by plausible analytics layout

Adding Stripe Subscription data

The admin dashboard now shows the current amount of paying customers and MRR. πŸ˜€

Moved Horizon's landing page to Nuxt

Now I can add pages with Nuxt's content module and build some documentation tomorrow 😁

Made a quick layout/demo website for my next side project

Using TailwindCSS and Kitwind UI components

Added global config file

Because the project is full-stack, to keep things in order I added a global config file for storing variables such as App_name etc

Added an events system + placeholder cards

Events such as new user sign ups get logged to the Database, then a small list of recent events is shown on the Admin home page

Added a "Send Email" page from admin dashboard

Got to clean up the UI a little, but the main feature here is being able to send a user an email from the Admin dashboard if the need to do so arises.

Added Admin Routes to Horizon

One step closer to a release πŸ˜€
Added a few admin routes such as viewing database collections and CRUD functions

Great job on the routes task.


Deployed a demo landing page for Horizon

Horizon is a Node SaaS boilerplate, aiming for release January 31st πŸ˜€