Drafting: Everyday Writing

A local-only, plain text note-taking app for everyday writing.

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Release Drafting version 0.1.23

✅ Honor `Insert timestamp` in Settings when creating new draft using text shared from other apps
✅ Show keyboard when returning from Settings or Storage Browser

Restore keyboard visibility when returning to Editor from Settings or Storage Browser

Respect `Adding timestamp` in Setting when creating new draft using text shared from other apps

Release Drafting version 0.1.22

✅ New Toolbar selector
✅ New feature in Editing Toolbar: Move line up and down
✅ Fix showing preview for non-text and empty text file
Carl Poppa 🛸

you're on a roll Sen! 💪

Sen Author

Thank you, Carl! Haha.. Tiny updates every now and then!


Fix Storage Browser showing preview for non-text files and empty text files

Release Drafting version 0.1.21

✅ Create new draft with content from Clipboard
✅ New Toolbar switcher
✅ New Text Processing toolbar
✅ Features to insert date & time, and to copy & paste content moved to new Utilities toolbar
✅ Minor wording tweak in Settings

Move utilities to insert date & time, as well as to copy & paste content to new Utilities toolbar

Text Processing Toolbar

✅ Title case
✅ Sentence case
✅ Upper case
✅ Lower case
✅ Remove diacritic

Release Drafting version 0.1.20

✅ Autosave after stop typing for 2 seconds
✅ Option to select different storage location
✅ Option to configure where to place the cursor after opening a file

Option to set where to place the cursor position when opening a file

Release Drafting version 0.1.19

✅ Format selected text with with Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Link, Code, Fenced code block using the Markdown Toolbar
✅ Automatically insert matching closing pair when typing (, {, [, <, ", or `

Automatically insert matching closing pair

When typing (, [, <, {, ", or `.

Format selected text with Markdown syntax

✅ Bold
✅ Italic
✅ Strikethrough
✅ Link
✅ Code
✅ Fenced code block

Release Drafting version 0.1.18!

✅ Fix crash when toggling Unordered List on empty indented line
✅ Improve toggling between Unchecked and Checked Task
✅ Remember last opened Toolbar
✅ Show keyboard when interacting with Markdown or Editing Toolbar