Meeting to review app development progress with the developer.
Start the backend using the selected PHP framework.
[API] Return default values for record types to avoid an expected errors.
[API] list records order by DESC.
[API] Return a default value of record type when fetch record replies.
[API] Write a wiki page to describe the replies endpoint request and response structure.
[API] New endpoint to retrieve the list of replies on a specific record.
[API] Create new structure to save replies in DB.
[API] List of all records that is inside a specific category.
[API] Remove replies from categories endpoint.
[API] Send the category colors as gradient. HEXCode format.
[API] Create static array to return list of static categories.
[API] Make the HEXCODE of category colors return with hash in the beginning.
Change weekly meeting event on Google Calendar to be on Thursday.
[API] Make the date format ISO like "2019-02-13T14:37:15.000Z" or milliseconds since UNIX epoch.
[API] New way unify date response everywhere.
[API] Return record_url when return list of records inside a specific category.
[wiki] New document page to describe the endpoint of reply record types.
[API] Create an endpoint for record-types of reply.
[API] Making the categories as static data.
[API] Return the date in ISO format whatever we return timestamp.
[API] Return the category colors for each category.
[API] Unify the response of all API endpoints.