No-code desktop app to explore business data with reports, realtime collaboration, offline mode and GPT integration
Problem validation call with Mattias @ OhDear app
Potential customer reach out on LinkedIn/email
Multiple structural and copy changes for product website - more problem focused
(chore) Component restructure in preparation for Funnel/Kanban UI
Started off with Rust in the tiny demo project
Started work on next demo, showcase contributors to open code/design...
(task) Refactor Detail view to be separate from Grid/Kanban/Calendar views [ch187]
Update on Pioneer & YC SUS
Launch refreshed product website
Launch refreshed product site...
Prototype an idea - Kanban UI for SQL
General regular engagement across PH, IH, ML, YC SUS
Figuring out CMS experiment with dwata as headless CMS
[WIP] Refresh product website, messaging, business focus
General regular engagement across PH, IH, ML, YC SUS
(task) Pin multiple rows to the top of a Table - works, unpinning still remains [ch132]
[WIP] (chore) Refactor the Redux caches for API data and Query for better handling of new features
[WIP] (task) API to pin rows - save/fetch work; unique error handling TBD [ch134]
[WIP] (task) Pin multiple rows to the top of a Table - navigation for Pins, actions, reducers and other changes [ch132]
General engagement across PH, IH, ML, YC SUS
(chore) Plugabble apps related Redux services separated from global part of state
(chore) Modal toggle in React app refactored to allow only one visible at one time
[WIP] (task) Pin multiple rows to the top of a Table [ch132]
(chore) Lint fixes in multiple components across React webapp
Set theme jekyll-theme-hacker