
No-code desktop app to explore business data with reports, realtime collaboration, offline mode and GPT integration

Multiple structural and copy changes for product website - more problem focused

Started work on next demo, showcase contributors to open code/design...

(task) Refactor Detail view to be separate from Grid/Kanban/Calendar views [ch187]

(task) Pin multiple rows to the top of a Table - works, unpinning still remains [ch132]

[WIP] (chore) Refactor the Redux caches for API data and Query for better handling of new features

[WIP] (task) API to pin rows - save/fetch work; unique error handling TBD [ch134]

[WIP] (task) Pin multiple rows to the top of a Table - navigation for Pins, actions, reducers and other changes [ch132]

(chore) Plugabble apps related Redux services separated from global part of state

(chore) Modal toggle in React app refactored to allow only one visible at one time