I quit my job after 6 years building someone else's SaaS, now I'm building my own SaaS.

Finished companies index page

- added a backfill service to create all those company objects
- show and index pages for companies.
- finished testing forms.

How do you rate my design skills? LOL.
Carl Poppa 🛸

no really, it's clean, easy on the eyes, and easily understandable. that's all you need!

Carl Poppa 🛸

9/10 !


also worked on initial implementation of navbar in

Basically, I plan to have a navigations table that stores the styles of the navbar and its position. Will allow customizing these styles later on.

I also have a navigation_items table that will hold information about single navbar item, this navbar item can be anything like a logo or link or cta. nav items will store information about style and location and also behaviour.

This might sound like overkill but it's going to allow me to build more variations of a navbar.

remove rails ujs and use turbo streams for infinite scrolling on home page

Day 31 with

- Added PageRefreshJob that gets triggered from UI to update a page by pulling new content from notion.

- Also going to add a scheduler that runs everyday to run this job for all apps. Already sweating about Notion API rate limits which are really low!!!

Day 30 updates with

- Added migration to handle relationships between pages

- Routing to root page('/') works, but routing for pages that are 1+ levels deep('/blogs/somearticle') just doesn't work, Been working on fixing this.

Day 29 with

- Fixed issue with Cache-Control headers and BunnyCDN.

- Started working on Navbar functionality

- Managed to add a back button to the sidebar after struggling with basic HTML/CSS again

Just shipped cssbunding-rails and jsbundling-rails and removed webpack from

Day 28 with

- More tests for models
- Setup Spaces CDN for image storage.
- Working on updating dashboard sidebar to support editing of page content.

Day 27 updates for

- More bunnyCDN and Spaces CDN exploration. Reached out to support at Bunny for some questions around wildcard.
- Started writing some tests for models because of issues with icon generation in manifests


- Deployed beta version
- tested delivery of generated apps, check out https://test.install.so
- Bit of sad news that wildcard subdomains aren't allowed on cloudflare. Need to find alternatives