Eloy Robillard

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Changed color of the stat gauges to reflect type of pokémon

Will need to tweak the color because it's pretty ugly.

Working on adding evolution chains in the DB

Issue is, they have a recursive structure, which Prisma doesn't support.

Yomitan: defending my feature proposal

Looks like I forgot to update my streak yesterday (should be ~40)

Yomitan figured out why the "view card" and "add card" won't show at the same time

there's a bug in the AnkiConnect API (used to fetch Anki cards info). might need a workaround

Yomitan more changes to allow adding + viewing Anki card from Yomitan


Yomitan (POC) added setting allowing user to force add Anki card even when a duplicate exists

Yomitan: Fixed an issue in my PR

I was over-writing an old update, instead of creating a new one for my changes

push requested improvements to Yomitan PR

Removing duplicate code: https://github.com/themoeway/yomitan/pull/636/commits/e95066f1bd101248fc02d5ee9184ad89cf1c6d2a

checked a few things for Yomitan PR

I was going to remove a bunch of code, but never mind, it's still used in a couple places.