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Had a play around with color thresholding in opencv4nodejs using example code

Super happy with my progress today!!! I honestly thought getting to this point would take weeks, but it's only taken one (intense and mind-warping) day to do it all!!!

Gabriel Arazas

That's quite awesome! I'll try this with the real one later. Mind sharing me some resources/references for looking into this (aside your code, of course)? :)

Gabriel Arazas

A little bit of both (though any resources will do).


Tested parsing from notation and executing the moves correctly with a bunch of different algorithms! For example the "fishy" algorithm below... You can see the fish shape made of white 0s on the first face

Committed and pushed the code so far to GitHub!! Take a look if you're interested πŸ‘‰

Created a Cube.getFaceIdFromLetter function to use in the executeAlgorithmFromString method

Added a Cube.executeAlgorithmFromString function which takes in algorithm notation (eg. "F F' U R2 U' D2") and executes it as turn commands

Tested my code so far by trying a bunch of moves and comparing it to doing them a real Rubik's cube!

Decided that face IDs will be based on their center piece's color (the centers never move)

Made a Face.turn method!!! It takes in a direction (CLOCKWISE or COUNTER_CLOCKWISE) as an argument

Decided that the 'top' of each face will be the face with a center piece of n+1 where n is the center piece of the original face

Created CornerPiece, EdgePiece and CenterPiece classes which extend the Piece class