Organize families
Development tracker @ https://beta.workflowy.com/s/famsync-development/fwFNo3FVshNpTX93
Debugging a view caching issue causing 500 error only in production
Found the reason behind the 500 error, and applied a possible fix. Now I just have to wait and see if it worked
Begin testing different workflow strategies in terms of bug- /hot fixes, branches, features etc
Pushed some new stuff to prod and fixed some bugs
Started a small release log, but need to get better at commits and tracking my progress
Added favicon and web manifest
Fixed a bug with auth redirect between modules
Created a public issue tracker on the private repo
Extracted most inline JS into an app.js. First step towards more modular JS code
Started refactoring the front end code
Adding to the admin panel
Made twitter account for https://twitter.com/FamSync
Writing GDPR compliant privacy policy
Users can now set todo lists as private
Added badge with unread message count
Started writing GDPR compliant privacy policy
Items can now be moved between lists
Users can now toggle todo and shopping items as important
Users can now decide which todo and shopping lists are to be treated as default lists
Removed overlooked console.log calls
Less bulky chat timestamps and moved them top right to make them less intrusive