Organize families
Development tracker @ https://beta.workflowy.com/s/famsync-development/fwFNo3FVshNpTX93
Redesigned the landing page. Still wip, but getting closer!
Replaced inline notifications with toasts 🔔
Wrote a set of questions that I'm posting on family forums etc
Started reaching out to people I know that have a use for a project like
now remembers what part you were trying to access if you're prompted with the log in screen
Added missing form request validations ✔️
Improved texts in emails 📨
All controller methods now has strict return types 🖥️
All controller methods has been given proper docblocks 📝
Fixed a bug with adding contacts during lunch break
Rewritten the lists to handle custom lists as well
On-boarding process complete with emails
beta version now sends through sendmail not mailtrap
Deployed new features to beta
Added functionality to flag a contact as important
Improved some of the form validation
Added confirmation emails when updating critical account details
Added ajaxified update of shopping lists and counters
Added ajaxified updating of todo lists and counters
Ajaxified message board in
Improved and now sharing task tracker https://www.notion.so/codeartisan/f3b1ad1180844a4cadc8d320163541f8?v=f7e348ab073e4aa4a42fbc6e0f821da2
Fixed some design glitches
[Bugfix] Message board only available on dashboard