Francois-Guillaume Ribreau

Full Stack CTO, Startup Tech Advisor, Maker

Added a section about how to download and run virtual appliance (on-prem)

Hello Jari, that’s not a feature of Redsmin proxy, it only does a gateway to :)

👋I'm looking for a freelance content writer (with SEO & technical background) that could write a blog-post series on "How to integrate SaaS with X". The technical side (add-in & code) is already✅ Do you know such person? 🙏🏻 (🍪 if you RT)

Bar chart labels positionning

"Auto scaling" in real-life 🤦‍♂️. A thread. At I must deal with some burst of 80 000 requests/second that can come from anywhere around the 🌎 and answer them in less than 500ms ⚡️ (95th)

. must sometimes handle burst of 80K req/sec. It take the 3 Kubernetes cluster 6 minutes to *completely* x4 their node pool size to handle such load 😫. Too. Long.

Generate Multiple Chart URLs from Google Sheets (or Excel file)

We ❤️ our users and it seems it's both way 🤗🤩🤩🤩 "Very good experience, intuitive UX, very good work" —

We ❤️ our users and it seems it's both way 🤗🤩🤩🤩 "Very good experience, intuitive UX, very good work" —

We ❤️ our users and it seems it's both way 🤗🤩🤩🤩 "Very good experience, intuitive UX, very good work" —

👨‍🎨 Embedded our chart editor into documentation, what's next?

🤩 Shipped 2 new chapters for Tech-Lead yesterday ⛳️ time to release v5 this morning! Can't. Wait.

I've built an editor for ⛳️ Nearly everything is automatically generated from Image-Charts OpenAPI spec 😍, it has some rough edges 🐘 but it's usable, please tell me what you think!

🎯 SaaS November Report 🎯 🔥 Generated 16 millions charts ✅ Asia & Europe 100% service uptime ✅ US 99.99% service uptime ✏ Pre-released custom font support

Will spend the day improving (and hopefully releasing) interactive editor!

Added Docker lint (hadolint) to CI process ⚖️, fixed 3 issues 👌 /thx for the tips

. October 2019 Open Report: 🚀+42% MRR growth MoM 💰€3 560 gross MRR 💰€3 274 net MRR (before tax)

[Fr] @getnobullshit tech-lead vient de dépasser les 70% d'illustrations réalisées (avancement total 43%).

Just deployed @cap_rover for one of my client for its MVP/lab/unstable/hacky environment, this is indeed a nice piece of software!