
The Best All-In-One Workout Tracker

finally got my first paid user 😭

It's really hard but at least it's the first step!! keep fighting!!

Congratulations Ryu!!! This is a big step don't downplay it. going from 0 to 1 is all we are doing here!


Congratulations 🎉. How long did you work on #fightie until you got the first paid customer?


Finished my leg day

Even though it’s important to focus on your startup product especially when it’s on early stage, remember always invest some time on exercise!

Health is always as important as your product ;)

Just released 1.3.0 !

1. brand-new 1RM calculator
2. kg <-> lbs converter for each set
3. performance enhancement to load histories (with pagination now!)

still have a lot to do :)

received a mail about partnership LOL Will investigate more and see what's going on!

got featured on betalist today :D (or yesterday because of timezone difference)

used to train shoulders! result ->

cloud sync feature is working so well :D just one click to sync to the cloud from the app, then boom everything shows up on the server!

bought 14 new workout materials for and need to do some image editing works first before integrating into apps.

released "claim username" & "public profile url" to web! -> live result

investigate how to migrate from Realtime Database to Firestore Database

Working on settings page and now users can upload avatars & claim username!

investigating Open Graph Image as a Service and see how to integrate it into

Fixed permission issue and now user's history record can be viewed anonymously :D This is my "shoulder day" history -

setup Firebase emulator for local testing and refactored API layers tot use internal model