Mike Timofiiv
Real-life Carmen Sandiego
import image upload component from pinmark to use
build an Overlay nav component to be shared on all the overlay screens
create API endpoints to create garment + daily report
bootstrap the react native app
shadow post latest blog post on linkedin
email eco-age to see if they're interested in helping out
schedule a tweet for episode 4
Create initial 3 screens (core of the app) in sketch
haul luggage around all day
get a basic landing page up
add 30wears.app to cloudflare + mailgun
register 30wears.app domain
write blog post on the add screen
modify blogsend settings so they match lesson CTA button
Implement image uploads from device camera
build tagging interface for the "Add Pin" screen
finish (functionally) the flow for creating a new pin (still needs some styling love)
center map on new pin in create mode
make new pin in create mode draggable
Put together slides for part 3 lesson: FORMS!