
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Share link for paid reviews - http://review.capterra.com/SS-PagerTeam-184413


Write a blog post on stack and dev time, post on Medium, add link to devOps thread

Add sitemap (potentially using https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-sitemap)

Add activity notification to rotation create, rotation activation, and incident creation

Already submitted to https://changelog.com/ but go ahead and check it out more deeply - the signup process was delightful

Post on /r/devops - https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/b49aan/i_built_a_simpler_alternative_to_pager_duty/

Add a comparison page against VictorOps, Pager Duty, and OpsGenie plans

Horizontal scrollbar appears when mouse is plugged in. Fix is overflow-x: hidden.

Make privacy and terms links open in new tab so as not to lose signup form data user may have filled in already