Geospatial Data Visualization with d3

Online course for learning mapping with d3

build(deps-dev): bump javascript-repl from 0.4.4 to 0.6.1 Bumps javascript-repl from 0.4.4 to 0.6.1. Signed-off-by: dependabot-preview[bot]

feat: rework landingpage the main landingpage should be a resource page where I show my free content but also link to my course the course will live on and the sales page as well update the homepage to reflect that change show simple geojson map code (might want to add the result as well, maybe as a modal overlay?) Add CTAs for email list with weekly content and course link sidebar is visible further down with more getting started content or explanation about d3

feat: start adding new layout to site it will be a resource page instead of the course sales page I want people to teach d3 and just link to the course and promote it via rightmessage and emails

feat: move repl shortcode into partial and shortcode now we can use both and add a way to parse a github file instead of adding the code to the frontmatter this will make it easier to maintain the code and get better highlighting for myself while editing the examples and tutorials and I get the extra benefit of having them inside a github repo

build(deps-dev): bump javascript-repl from 0.4.4 to 0.5.0 Bumps javascript-repl from 0.4.4 to 0.5.0. Signed-off-by: dependabot-preview[bot]

Update from updated content/tips/

Update from updated content/tips/

Merge pull request from CivicVision/new-resource-structure feat: add new structure for content

feat: add author partial add new tips and remove not ready resources from menu update resource page to just include the books

feat: add related styles and better config remove default link style add new tips

Merge pull request from CivicVision/feat/update-tailwind Feat/update tailwind

feat: update link style, list styles, headlines updated course content styles, pricing table and checked other headlines and mobile styles this is now ready to be merged into the other update

feat: update max-w and text colors to tailwind 1.0 as well as font-sizes for Hx and inline images

feat: upate tailwindCSS to 1.3 update tailwind library to 1.3 and update a little bit of content the landingpage is the biggest update to be considered

feat: add new structure for content move everything to top level and add tips, examples, tutorials with sub caegories add sidebar for convinient access (modeled after tailwaindcss) needs updating of tailwind (slightly bigger project)

feat: add author partial add new tips and remove not ready resources from menu update resource page to just include the books