Bharadwaj Giridhar
Shipping a way to send great emails without anxiety.
YC <> The better customer - startups or enterprises?
Worst sleep of my life.
Notification intro tour, fixes "comma added during preview-change", Adds email score tour
Add tours to 2 more screens
Sendgrid Setup + classnames
Custom email input filtering bug [Slow work]
Redirect to ext tour based on cookies and user journey
Add communication when steps are over with confetti to take back to /get-started
Had the best conversation with bulk on about relationships, perception of time, comfort seeking, why we seek attention, etc
Capture signup source when "other" is selected
Capture google search term during signup (optional)
Nathan latka <> Raghuram Ravintula -
Get upgraded with!
Finish up with extension tour page with, gmail, hubspot, mailchimp, sendinblue, apollo