Bharadwaj Giridhar

Shipping a way to send great emails without anxiety.

Start saving HTML pages for showing customer demo on how to use extension instead of context switching and giving up control

Fix demo tour always showing since cookie expires for some users

1. ✅ Change to make this come from server
2. ✅Test live demo
3. ✅ Test with new user
4. ✅ Apology email using posthog

Check spam score with mail-tester and other outlook accounts for new SES marketing IP

Fix transactional emails are going to spam and welcome email has bad formatting

- Check transactional mail hitting with mailazy
- See if it's hitting folder with outlook
- Add env variables to mailazy prod

Try out mailazy for transactional mail. Move everything from crewcharge mail to inboxpirates mail

Finish integration

Fuck regex, seriously. - This AI tool actually helped! Woohoo!

If regex is so complicted, what are the benefits of using it? You can always write code that does the same thing as regex?


Find all places in the your app where people even have the opportunity to pay you. Also look at other freemium apps and how they upsell to premium

Hide install extension during first preview being generated

More than 3 customers have broken the flow because of the extra button. Have 1 button per screen.