
Ecosystem for makers to find ideas, articles and resources to grow a bootstrapped business

wrote quick tweet about current work situation for https://twitter.com/toomaime/status/1184561887100506113?s=20

sent out latest newsletter https://mailchi.mp/f728ff758fed/397-makers-and-creators-cant-be-wrong?e=[UNIQID

started to work on a little premium feature for - added view and first schema for marketing/growth ideas database

added wobaka as product of the day to https://growthhacklist.com/useful-websites-for-your-startup/wobaka

added useful sales tools to tools page + added Pigeon to it https://growthhacklist.com/useful-websites-for-your-startup/pigeon

shared latest article on dev.to https://dev.to/toomaime/how-to-make-an-event-around-your-product-launch-1c09

shared short version article "Launch in public - how to make an event around your launch" on subreddit /Entrepreneur and on Indiehackers

made little twitter thread of latest article https://twitter.com/growthhacklist/status/1180937793465401345?s=20

published new marketing method "Launch in public - how to make an event around your launch" https://growthhacklist.com/methods/launch-in-public

sent out newsletters 3 ideas, 2 discussions and 1 maker to learn from

added list with bootstrappers documenting their journey to reach revenue goal

added landing page for newsletter https://growthhacklist.com/newsletter

published new article content upgrades https://growthhacklist.com/methods/content-upgrades