
Ecosystem for makers to find ideas, articles and resources to grow a bootstrapped business

made twitter thread for new article https://twitter.com/growthhacklist/status/1164161081251639296?s=20

published new article on "Build relationships before launch" https://growthhacklist.com/methods/build-relationships-before-launch

started twitter thread about tools makers are using to build their projects https://twitter.com/growthhacklist/status/1163468641549127680?s=20

added support my work button to makers profile with link to buy me a coffee

added betapage to startup list directories

Belen Torres

Hi Tobi, quick question: how do you add a picture to your task?


passed 600 upvotes on producthunt https://www.producthunt.com/posts/growthhacklist-2-0