Akash Manohar

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Reviewing the First-100-Users notion board to check if I can add anything new to my traction notes for

If anyone is looking for it, this is the notion board I'm referring to https://board.first100users.com
Very useful content to bookmark and review when building something.

Created a few notion pages database for keeping track of activities for Traction

If this goes well, I’ll know in a few months and will make this public

Figured out configuration for specifying servers to deploy to

Wrote down multiple configurations and zeroed in on one.
Along with this I've almost completed the documentation for specifying servers too 😄

Can now read the config for in the golang project

Had to rewrite the prototype from python to golang to be able to improve the command-line experience.
* Can ship a binary instead of asking users to install a pip package
* Installation becomes easier

Learnt golang from a Udemy course got some solutions working in parts as tryouts.
At this pace, should be done with a v1 in 3 weeks.

P.S: With this I've added an important tool to my tool-belt - the ability to ship command-line tools as binaries.

Section-7 on channels done. Completed the golang course on Udemy 🔔🔔🔔

Now going back to #PainlessDeploy with what I've learnt. Should be a difficult start but hopefully with this knowledge I can ship it.

Completed Section-6 of the golang udemy course

Halfway through section-7. Hopeful that I can complete it today.

Swamped with work. Made a little progress I could today by watching one video from the golang course.

Made progress on the interfaces chapter in the golang course. Attempted a sample program to parse Yaml using a go library.

Completed Section-5 of Golang course.

Two more large sections remaining.

Completed Section-4 of Golang course

Watched at 2x speed. So was able to watch 1hr of videos in 30min.

Picked up a a Golang course on Udemy and finished Section-1 to Section-3

This is the course I've picked up - https://www.udemy.com/course/go-the-complete-developers-guide/
I've got 4 more sections to go.

Completed Tour of Go part-3/5. Onto part 4/5 and this looks like might take one more day