After a very very LONG time, reviewed some GitHub issues on the “asdf” repo and commenting/closing them. Just spent some time to help out the current folks that maintain it.
Cleaned up the Ruby install for I think tomorrow I’ll have static-site deployment ready with some monitoring baked in.
Pushed 1 change to painless-deploy
Pushed 2 changes to painless-deploy
Performed load test of the Ruby Sinatra+Puma helloworld app setup by using Vegeta
Withstands 90 requests per second for 10 seconds. I'm going to call this setup satisfactory and move on to adding support for Rails
Pushed 1 change to demo-ruby
Pushed 5 changes to painless-deploy
Got my Planck EZ keyboard and configured it
organize todo list and bookmarks for work - was pretty much Wild West in the last couple months
Write notes for 2/10 steps from Obviously Awesome
Finish reading half of Obvious Awesome
Begin work on the new process types - start with Ruby
Deploy the site to a server
WIP ruby deployment
Deployed a sinatra app with puma. Next up is to clean this up and make it reusable.