Client Updates
Customer Support
Client calls and feedback
Customer Support
Customer Support
Client updates
Customer Support
Client updates
Customer support
Client updates
Ah, it's the fun stuff again.
Client updates
Got a bunch of client things that need a bit of doing. Got to pay for the coffee beans!!
customer support
Client updates
The email editions,
Getting updates back to clients on progress and plans.
Getting updates back to clients on progress and plans.
Client updates and planning
Doing a bit of work to get updates back to people and trying to get some planning done.
Customer support
Client updates
Client updates
Bug fixes
A bit of bug fixing to start the week, All from some client feedback and testing.
Client updates
Clean up time
Fixing a bunch of small issues.
Fixing up some blogs, I've been having issues updating the blogs, so sorted that now. Will update links and redirects later.
Fixing up some blogs, I've been having issues updating the blogs, so sorted that now. Will update links and redirects later.