
Consulting, client work usually stuff I'm doing in general.

Client updates

Ah, it's the fun stuff again.
Carl Poppa 🛸

hey i realise i've never asked this - is consulting a full-time gig for you? :)

James Kenny Author

yeah it is.


Client updates

Got a bunch of client things that need a bit of doing. Got to pay for the coffee beans!!

Client updates

The email editions,

Getting updates back to clients on progress and plans.

Client updates and planning

Doing a bit of work to get updates back to people and trying to get some planning done.

Bug fixes

A bit of bug fixing to start the week, All from some client feedback and testing.

Clean up time

Fixing a bunch of small issues.

Fixing up some blogs, I've been having issues updating the blogs, so sorted that now. Will update links and redirects later.