James Kenny

FullStack developer, Building things

Add note on some screens that aren't finished yet

Some screens I haven't worked on yet, Just added a note to explain what the screen will do when I get there.

Left a few notes in other areas to explain it's still a V1 version in places

Subscriber View

Added a view to show the subscriber details, including the email history of different newsletters that have been sent to a subscriber.

Deploy API for subscriber imports

I added a new API that can be used to import subscribers into audience and add them to a list, this API lets you bypass the verification. The Forms API will send the verification.

Adding sample forms and documentation

Added a simple set of sample forms for the lists.

Invite codes for signups

Built in some invite code functionality to limit signups, I'm playing around with the idea that this might be a feature. It's something I want for a few projects so maybe.

Onboarding user flow through the settings

Building out the UI to setup mail settings, opt-in settings, audience lists.