Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today -
Secured Substack profile handle @jasonleow - too bad @jason is already taken
Probably my most viral tweet to date - 315K impressions! And a long form one at that!
Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today -
Paid Sidebird annual subscription for US$84 after Zlappo shut down
Scheduled weekly Saturday newsletter to publish later
Switched from Publer to Zlappo for my design-related content for consulting - Twitter + LinkedIn cross-posting
[UPDATE] Switched back to Publer. Zlappo isn't working.
Switched Twitter scheduling tool from Zlappo to Sidebird cos I need auto-RTs & auto-unRTs
Considering using Zlappo for my design-related posts (on Twitter & LinkedIn) for #outsprint instead 🤔
Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday tomorrow
🔥🔥🔥 Hit 1600 day streak on Makerlog... insane journey
Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today
Read up on "The Stackless Way" Might be my new tech stack! -
Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today
Created IFTTT applet to automate posting tweets from Twitter to Mastodon - as backup and hedge against deplatformisation
For me, being indie was about the freedom to decide today is an off day and I'm going cycling at the beach with my wife and kiddo. But I rarely ever exercise that freedom. Glad I finally did today
Jason Leow
Remember Road Safety Park? I used to come here back in primary school. The place had definitely seen some wear and tear these days, but it's open to public…still fun for kids.
Unblocked and unmuted all accounts I previously blocked/muted as a twitter experiment
Bought an AI-generated artwork (US$56) from fellow Lifelogger to support him, indie to indie
Tao's Artgrab page:
Used it on my Soundcloud:
Used it on my Soundcloud:
Culled my Twitter follows list from 2180 to 695
Apparently the algo punishes you if your following:follower ratio is above 0.6.
I was at 2180:6558 this morning, so that's about 0.3 – I passed, but that got me thinking about spring cleaning my follows.
So bit the bullet, culled it to 695.
Will see if it matters at all!
I was at 2180:6558 this morning, so that's about 0.3 – I passed, but that got me thinking about spring cleaning my follows.
So bit the bullet, culled it to 695.
Will see if it matters at all!
Jason Leow
Haha i didn't prune indies, it was mostly follows from 10 years ago from a different group i removed, and lots and lots of faceless brand accounts like heroku changelog haha
It's always a good idea to do some cleaning of your feeds. And now to find out, did I make the cut 😊