Jason's Plugins For Carrd

Custom coded plugins, widgets, components, scripts to extend your Carrd sites

Added 1 new user to 2 plugins because he messaged me...they really love them plugins!

Helped a mobile navbar + accordion Carrd plugin user debug conflicts

πŸ’³ Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Yi Shen!

Added 1 user who DMed to be added to animated accordion Carrd plugin

Helped 2 users debug their Carrd plugins

β€’ for animated accordion > data section, folks having to use back slashes to type out words like "let's/we're", and
for line breaks and other html for text formatting
β€’ for animated accordion CSS, body class > font-size changes the rest of site - deleted it
β€’ for pricing tables, no easy way to adjust the size and font-size of the tables with one css edit

Added 6 new users to free Carrd plugin templates...they really love em templates!

Testing out the Seller Program (beta) for Carrd - exciting times ahead!

β€’ yet-to-launch official Seller Program by Carrd - you can start selling templates natively within Carrd. Finally! No need to hack together a mishmash of SaaS services (Gumroad, Flurly, Paypal) to sell templates...
β€’ 10% commission by Carrd with every template purchase. Hmmm...is that considered high or low?
β€’ Users click on a buy Carrd link, log in to their Carrd account, and then finish up the purchase from there to get instant access to the template. No more having to do it separately and manually add/transfer the template to the customer!
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

this is <3 ! i love everything Carrd and ajlkn . 10% is pretty decent

Jason Leow Author

Yeah am a big Carrd fan too!


Added 32 users to the free Carrd plugin templates... they really love em templates!

πŸ’΅ Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Sulaiman!

Received a coffee for helping customer with his testimonial Carrd plugin...thanks Logan!!

Added 4 users to the animated accordion Carrd plugin...they really love them templates!

πŸ’³ Sold yet another testimonial Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Logan!

Helped a Testimonial Carrd plugin customer debug background color issue

Must be a Bootstrap conflict again..... grrrr

Added Carrd Chat telegram group link to Plugins For Carrd site

Please join me!


An unofficial Telegram chat group for fans of Carrd.co.


πŸ—£ Ask anything about Carrd
πŸ“£ Share your Carrd sites/templates
πŸ† Share cool tips & tricks

Run by @jasonleow of Jason’s Plugins For Carrd (https://plugins.carrd.co)

πŸ’Ά Sold yet another testimonial Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Melisande

πŸ’΅ Sold the first copy of my latest Carrd plugin - the card listing with search and filters (US$30). Thanks Safyan!

πŸ’΅ Sold yet another mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Rajhpall!

Created a Carrd chat group on Telegram - time to build my own community!


Marketing: Shared new listings Carrd plugin on Carrd Facebook group, Indie Hackers group and again on Twitter

πŸ’΅ Sold yet another mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Helena Galaz!

πŸ’΅ Made another sale for mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Stephen Davlantes!

Twitter marketing

β€’ tweeted about new listings plugin
β€’ shared new licensing biz model strategy for plugins
β€’ shared add-on tweet about my sleep journey (to bump up yesterday's tweet)

🎟 Started a new licensing business model for my Carrd plugins - single vs unlimited license

Decided to experiment with a new licensing business model for my Carrd plugins:

β€’ Single license for single personal/commercial use, while unlimited license for unlimited usage.
β€’ Single license can be for indie makers making a side project, while unlimited license is for agencies and freelancers who are making Carrd sites for clients
β€’ Prices are still the same for indie makers. The unlimited one is 10x the price since it's, after all, unlimited.
β€’ At this stage, I'm not policing/checking who gets which license and if they used it based on the license they bought. It's all based on trust and good faith that people want to do the right thing. I'm also guessing that $150/$300 is small change for companies anyway, so don't see why they would want to cheat on pennies.

Will track how the reception goes for this license model!