Jaye Hernandez

Always learning ✨

Create initial code snippet component

Color palette is subject to change, but I managed to create the three dots using only a pseudo element, no added DIV needed πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Update documentation

Got to maintain documenting code, especially for a huge codebase

Work on an automated report to lessen amount spent on generating it manually

Figure out how to create a pagination component given a JSON object

Merge pending PRs

Glad to see people creating new PRs! πŸ₯³

Completed πŸ› UI

Responsive design always slows me down. Using Bulma helps a lot though!

Get suggestions for created blog schema

Learning NoSQL more, one thing to keep in mind is the number of calls made to Firebase. Less document calls.

Work on the blog collection schema

Coming from Rails, NoSQL takes some time to get used to. Here's an attempt at that.

Let us know how it goes!

Jaye Hernandez Author

Documenting here! :)


Setup the staging environment and test out with better data than local