Watch movies online
Look into Google suddenly breaking my shit
Just push my current code again in hopes of magically fixing it
Fixed IDs not being addd to items loaded from "your list" and thus not linking to anything
Finished "favorites" / "your list"
Linked button to endpoint
Now adjusting button for adding / removing based on if it's on the list or not
Created endpoint to add and remove to/from "your list"
Now showing sing in icon in header if the user isn't logged in
Create new video element when changing stream
No longer showing titles + badges etc in "continue watching"
Now showing file host and aggregator
Fixed server using wrong Node version (that was a pain in the ass)
Now getting MP4s from openload urls
Added airing date to episodes
Now removing shows from continue watching if you've finished the entire show
Now showing next episode instead of current one in "continue watching" if you've finished the current episode
Fixed a bug where logging in as a new user would crash the thread
Added background color to posters
Update posters corresponding to the season the user is at
Replaced margin-right with padding-right so there's an extra space after the last movie at "recently watched"