Watch movies online
Now invalidating response after 3d
You can now search Cassette via the adress bar
Now sorting streams based on quality, so it tries to do the video in that order as well
Updated theme system to let you choose between system, system oled, dark, light, dark oled
Let users choose between oled dark mode and dark mode
Hopefully fixed theme... Again
Now using streams endpoint to get more streams for media
Don't show VLC button on windows / mac
Prompt user to install VLC if it doesn't work
Don't restart process on page load (tmp.html)
Don't error if subtitle object is invalid
Fixed Windows' dark theme
Fixed genre issue that prevented a bunch of shows from loading
No longer storing vtt files if subtitles aren't available
Now sorting subtitles alphabetically
Rewrote full script thing
Don’t remove tracks if changing source
Subtitles are now waited for instead of just loading whatever comes its way
Move subtitle fetching outside of main thread