Fixed genre issue that prevented a bunch of shows from loading
No longer storing vtt files if subtitles aren't available
Now sorting subtitles alphabetically
Rewrote full script thing
Don’t remove tracks if changing source
Subtitles are now waited for instead of just loading whatever comes its way
Move subtitle fetching outside of main thread
Added subtitle language names instead of codes
Now doing basic episode rendering
Created basic page collection
Improved media margins in the slider
Call update_theme_alt() on toggle_theme()
Added scroll snapping to continue watching slider
Now updating the theme-color based on the current header one (so that changing the theme also changes that)
Fixed sidebar stream select not updating
Hopefully sped up the home page loading, at least somewhat. It sort of breaks the shows-showing-up-with-new-episodes thing, but it's not worth 10 minutes just to do that
Fixed sign in button on the new light theme