Jip Fr

133 jumps

Added padding-right to the last movie wrapper in the "continue watching" div so that there's a bit of space on the end of "continue watching" on mobile, when before the last movie just hit the edge with no more space

Add beforeunload for updating the time (only if th video actually played)

Looked into airing date sorting not working for continue watching (in conclusion: according to the API the episode isn't out yet)

If there isn't an airing date for an episode (in the "next episode" process) it assumed it aired 100 years ago

Now filtering out episodes with "season" in the title (because those often haven't aired yet)

Added "SPECIAL" badge to episodes without a title ( because there isn't a better way :| )

Pushed to prod

Ali Salah

πŸ™€πŸ™€ Good luck Jip :P