Jip Fr

133 jumps

Add date to absence cards, sort absence cards by start date of absence

Remove "30 days margin" around single calendar and instead have 2 calendars (from & until)

Count amount of people planned for morning and afternoon and show in table head

New feature: banners

I got rid of the posters ans instead added banners :-)

Size grows as you scroll up

Add banner from anilist (with some cool effects that were a pain to make)



I wish you safe traveling and success w/ your new spot.

Jip Fr Author

Thank you Helen!


Make CLI tool to watch movies and tv shows


Make it so only a combination of alt + crtl skips to the next page on the laptop tester 3000

Previously either key would do it, now you need both

Create table with agreements

And it's still not good. I wish they'd communicate what they actually want :P

implement tooltip for delivery times (for some reason they'd already made a tooltip class and were using it for the wrapper.... Except it wasn't a tooltip?)

implement new graph with more data to indicate how much people were present (how much, not how many)

Fix line break bug on iOS :?

Be warned: line breaks next to emoji.... don't work?