James Ivings
Writing stuff to help people with @dinkydani21 ❤️
run around while support is on fire
provision staging server for beta
figure out beta websocket issue
deploy beta leavemealone with dokku
fix parsing of outlook emails
get email estimator working with outlook
get outlook spam emails rendering in the frontend
Launched on Product Hunt https://www.producthunt.com/posts/makerads
reorganised sections on the homepage to be better
fix averages to take into account how many sponsored ads there were that day
successfully fetch Outlook emails and parse for subscriptions
publish stats dashboard! https://makerads.xyz/stats
refactor mail fetcher in anticipation of adding more email clients
Hotfix issue with the database 2 minutes after PH launch 😅
Launched leavemealone.xyz on Product Hunt finally! 🎉 https://www.producthunt.com/posts/leave-me-alone-3
Removed ads that are flashing gifs...
Soft launched makerads.xyz