Julian Writes (On Medium)

Former random topics, now personal life topics.

Scheduling past posts from medium to be published on Wordpress site JulianWrites.com

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Research about Wordpress based websites

Medium has a limited amount of articles people can view freely. So I want to give an alternative to see my work and contact me about my writing

Post first article on Medium

Feel free to read and critique, this is all in an effort on me becoming a writer. So anything and everything is helpful. Click on my website icon on my profile and it’ll take you to my medium page.

Launch β€œ500+ Series: a new journey”

β€œ500+ Series: a new journey” is a documented timeline of an exercise/product I have taken on developing myself as a writer. I will be uploading unedited pieces that consist of 500+ words a day every day. It will be unedited in order to be open and transparent about the mistakes I will make and as a way for others to comment and constructively critique them in areas of improvement. My IG (@julianbarbarino) social media page has been updated to writer status and I will keep people who follow updated of what is going on, all the pieces will be uploaded on my Medium page; https://medium.com/@julianfuentes