💳 Sent $45 payment link for 3 month Standard ad for Carbs For Keto
💳 Sent $30 payment link for 1 month Boosted ad for Sweet Life Asia
Sent off some ad proposals for Blyss Foods
Followed up with ad buyer Sweet Life Asia if they want to extend ad
🤑 Received confirmation for 6 mths banner ad and 6 months boosted ad from Blyss Foods
🤑 Replied potential ad buyer with ad options
Received payment of S$120 from Carbs For Keto for banner ad on
Replied enquiry from Ketocartel about ads on Keto List
As part of Fund Feb goals:
1. At least 1 task per day to monetize something.
2. Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
✅Banner ad for Keto List
✅Ad enquiry for Keto List
✅ Talked to people on Twitter about daily writing, habit formation and goals. Shared #lifelog 8 times
1. At least 1 task per day to monetize something.
2. Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
✅Banner ad for Keto List
✅Ad enquiry for Keto List
✅ Talked to people on Twitter about daily writing, habit formation and goals. Shared #lifelog 8 times
Sent $120 payment request to Carbs For Keto for banner ad
As part of Fund Feb goals:
1. At least 1 task per day to monetize something.
✅Banner ad for Keto List
2. Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
✅ Talked to people on Twitter about daily writing, habit formation and goals. Shared #lifelog 8 times
1. At least 1 task per day to monetize something.
✅Banner ad for Keto List
2. Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
✅ Talked to people on Twitter about daily writing, habit formation and goals. Shared #lifelog 8 times
Sent email to Keto Divas regarding advertising on
Fund Feb goals:
✅DONE - At least 1 task per day to monetize something
Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
✅DONE - At least 1 task per day to monetize something
Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
Sent 3 email reminders to ad buyers whether they want to extend the ads
Sent payment link to Sweet Life Asia for S$30 Boosted ad on
Using new payment provider Superpay https://superpayit.com/ because Wirize got acquired by it. 1% txn fee, not too bad at all