Keto List Singapore

Singapore's local directory of LCHF, keto-friendly bakeries, restaurants, cafes, supermarkets and online retail outlets.

Replied enquiry from Ketocartel about ads on Keto List

As part of Fund Feb goals:

1. At least 1 task per day to monetize something.
2. Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
✅Banner ad for Keto List
✅Ad enquiry for Keto List
✅ Talked to people on Twitter about daily writing, habit formation and goals. Shared #lifelog 8 times

Sent $120 payment request to Carbs For Keto for banner ad

As part of Fund Feb goals:

1. At least 1 task per day to monetize something.
✅Banner ad for Keto List

2. Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.
✅ Talked to people on Twitter about daily writing, habit formation and goals. Shared #lifelog 8 times

Sent email to Keto Divas regarding advertising on

Fund Feb goals:
✅DONE - At least 1 task per day to monetize something
Setting aside at least 1h everyday to work on money.

Sent 3 email reminders to ad buyers whether they want to extend the ads

Sent payment link to Sweet Life Asia for S$30 Boosted ad on

Using new payment provider Superpay because Wirize got acquired by it. 1% txn fee, not too bad at all

💎 Received $15 ad payment from Ket U Not, a keto home-based bakery.

Updated Keto List website, removed year-long sponsorship mentions of BenBanter - thank you for the early support!

Added background image feature back to banner ad slider for future use

Finally managed to create a responsive flexbox grid slider for banner ads. I think I understand flexbox much better now! -

🎰 Received $90 payment for 6-month standard feature ad by Keto Haus

Confirmed Omni ad campaign for Sweet Life Asia, prep drafts in FB, Twitter, Telegram and Mailchimp to push the live button tomorrow

Drafted another series of Omni ad posts, this time for Sweet Life Asia

Tweaking CSS of my slider ( to be embedded in iframe element for

Found a way to add a slider into table2site site via the iframe element. Used Vue, uploaded to Github+Netlify to make this slider for ads (, and will embed as iframe in

Followed my curiosity today and explored the limits of what's possible with out Javascript, just pure CSS (with of cos some HTML). And realised, A LOT! Not just fancy animated illustrations but functional UI stuff like sliders, tabs, accordions, toggle buttons, dropdown menus, hamburger menu, input selection, even filters! ...stuff that I always thought needed Javascript! Serendipitously I might have found a solution for a no-JS slider for Collected them all here