Release new version of
Release 6!
publish some amazing testimonials
prepare presentation
fix shortcut on windows
improve caching on dashboard
Write an article on how to find broken links using
work on new convenience shortcuts in
Write + publish article on opinionated software
Add a letter-style personal message to the homepage
Fix all incorrect 301 and 302 redirects on website
Write a Mission page for
Tweak website typography
Release 5.1
Web components support, better link checking, better contrast checking and more. Really happy with this release
Implement editing styles inside web components
add support for web components to
implement shadowdom piercing querySelector
Add warnings for sites that have 10K+ CSS selectors
implement and then delete facebook-like website parsing logic
Give product demo
Add some new testimonials to the website
Teaching xpath about shadowdom
UI polishing
fix a bunch of user-reported typos
I rite reel bat okay.