Ole Aass

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

New: New family members gets assigned random color not existing on any of the other family members

Fixed: top border disappears if first list item is complete and hidden

Finally found a good solution to a front end hack I've used until now

Debugging a view caching issue causing 500 error only in production

Found the reason behind the 500 error, and applied a possible fix. Now I just have to wait and see if it worked

Begin testing different workflow strategies in terms of bug- /hot fixes, branches, features etc

Started a small release log, but need to get better at commits and tracking my progress

Added task/issue id tagging for workflowy to make it easier to reference tasks in commit messages references tasks from workflowy references issue tracker in bitbucket

Extracted most inline JS into an app.js. First step towards more modular JS code