Ole Aass
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Streaming development live at
Redesigned the landing page. Still wip, but getting closer!
Wrote a new blog post https://codeartisan.org/2018/11/27/bulma-gapless-columns-on-touch-only/
Added my instagram profile here
Learned how to fix some mess in git!
Replaced inline notifications with toasts 🔔
Wrote a set of questions that I'm posting on family forums etc
Started reaching out to people I know that have a use for a project like
now remembers what part you were trying to access if you're prompted with the log in screen
Added missing form request validations ✔️
Improved texts in emails 📨
All controller methods now has strict return types 🖥️
All controller methods has been given proper docblocks 📝
Fixed a bug with adding contacts during lunch break
Rewritten the lists to handle custom lists as well
On-boarding process complete with emails
Streamed the whole coding session on
beta version now sends through sendmail not mailtrap
Deployed new features to beta
Added functionality to flag a contact as important
Improved some of the form validation
Added confirmation emails when updating critical account details
Added ajaxified update of shopping lists and counters