Kostja P

Making appliku.com

Posted to dev.to https://dev.to/kostjapalovic/tired-of-deployments-built-my-own-heroku-47ed

first version of separate commands for each build/deploy/release stage preparing for cluster mode.

mark deployment as failed in case of 1h timeout for running and 6h for new deployments

Made a spec for another app creation process in which it is created in 1 simple step and wizard with additional settings operates on an already created app

FIXED: IF session expires, page was broken. Now it redirects to the sign-in page

fixing EC2 instance creation because of incorrect way to specify AMI

added s3+cloudfront for https://appliku.com and fixed ckeditor to use cloudfront instead of S3

finished building AWS in

Kostja P Author

thanks for question. not yet. Next step will be adding multiserver setup with swarm. I will be happy to talk about this serverless feature request, why do you need it, in which cases? truly curious. for release information subscribe to tg channel: https://t.me/appliku_release

Kostja P Author

interesting. So maybe that's why this Firebase is so popular among frontend-only projects/people. no need to deal with this backend and services stuff. Thanks for your time. it made me think in that direction. But problem is here is that I am not target audience for stuff like that. Makes harder to develop such things. But anyway - thanks again so much!