Kostja P
Making appliku.com
rewrote domain SSL renewal process due to a weird bug in configs generated by certbot
added plans and checking for ability to create servers/apps and use custom domains
added plans to the app to enforce payments later
finally shipped the pricing page https://appliku.com/pricing
new lading page is live! https://appliku.com/
added FAQ section to appliku landing page draft
polishing landing page texts
draft of next version of landing page
cust dev and more landing page text eork
writing new text for landing page
massive amount of little interface improvements/fixes regarding application pages
show custom dockerfile in settings only if custom dockerfile selected
added node, pypy and 3 versions of python 3 images
first non-python app hosted on
supports node apps https://myreactapp.applikuapp.com/
switched from postmark to SES for emails
legal paperwork(TOS, GDPR, etc) progress
published celery article and pushed to reddit
got featured on BetaList https://www.indiehackers.com/product/appliku
ruin previous phone and migrate to a backup phone