
The Buymeacoffee/Ko-fi/Patreon for Africa

implement pusher into graphql subscriptions

using https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphql-pusher-subscriptions to implement pusher+subscription by following the tutorial at https://www.velotio.com/engineering-blog/real-time-app-using-graphql-subscriptions-pusher

API: basic implementation of graphql subscriptions

this is for settings up a layer of real-time communication for the notification system.
If anyone has better approach for doing so with express and graphql, please lemme know!

emails: changed contact support link to mailto

support link in SignInMail changed from an href to a mailto

pushed react-query and next-seo (profile page only)to staging mode

a live demo can be found at https://beta.ku-di.com/ku-di. I started with profile page(/username/*).
Oh yeah, pages where you donate(/username/give/*) don't use react-query yet

enforce apiKey to be added each time a request is made to the api

up until now, the server didn't throw an error when it receives a request without an apiKey. From today onwards, any request made to the api server without an apiKey will receive an error with an appropriate error message

deployed a version of the api to render.com

this deployment is just to test out render. Seem good so far