frontend(chore: upgrade all packages to their latest version)
frontend(chore: remove js-cookie)
frontend(chore: remove redis and algolia)
frontend( chore: remove telegraf and telegram api)
frontend(chore: install react infinite scroll)
frontend(refactor: payments system)
begin integrating react-query
improve sentry reports
implement pusher into graphql subscriptions
using to implement pusher+subscription by following the tutorial at
API: basic implementation of graphql subscriptions
this is for settings up a layer of real-time communication for the notification system.
If anyone has better approach for doing so with express and graphql, please lemme know!
If anyone has better approach for doing so with express and graphql, please lemme know!
API: big rewrite on donations mutation
API: remove some unused codes
emails: changed contact support link to mailto
support link in SignInMail changed from an href to a mailto
refactor donations limit - api
re-introduce paystack(api)
Signup for @buffer
send paystack webhook response to telegram bot(api)
remove google analytics settings(api)
re-introduce paystack(frontend)
pushed react-query and next-seo (profile page only)to staging mode
a live demo can be found at I started with profile page(/username/*).
Oh yeah, pages where you donate(/username/give/*) don't use react-query yet
Oh yeah, pages where you donate(/username/give/*) don't use react-query yet
enforce apiKey to be added each time a request is made to the api
up until now, the server didn't throw an error when it receives a request without an apiKey. From today onwards, any request made to the api server without an apiKey will receive an error with an appropriate error message
refactor(api: sort posts by updatedAt in desc order)
fix api query sorting issues by replacing order->sort
deployed a version of the api to
this deployment is just to test out render. Seem good so far