
Write 100 words a day, every day, towards your goals.

Removed paywall to ALL my Medium posts as payouts are zero anyway and I can use Medium profile page as a potential portfolio showcase for any freelance writing jobs -

🍟 Side project weekend: Deployed on Heroku all the features and fixes done over the weekend

Added browser-based spell check setting to rich text editor - but caveat is spell check needs to be switched on in browser.
Added time hop for One month ago, you wrote... on home page.
Fixed bug where profile pages with 1000 day club badges is showing server error when not logged in.
Fixed bug where confetti didn't go off for 1000 day streak modal on home page.
Toying with home-made search on home page, to be completed.
Updated roadmap.

Day 1005 - Mis-validation -

🍟 Side project weekend: Toying with home-made search using Vue.js... or should I just embed Algolia search and call it a day? πŸ€”

Day 1004 - October 2023 goals -

Day 1003 - September 2023 wrap-up -

🍟 Side project weekend: Added time hop for "One month ago, you wrote..." on home page

🍟 Side project weekend: Added browser-based spell check setting to rich text editor - but caveat is spell check needs to be switched on in browser

🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed bug where profile pages with 1000 day club badges is showing server error when not logged in

🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed bug where confetti didn't go off for 1000 day streak modal on home page

Day 1002 - Time hops -

Day 1001 - πŸ”₯ 1000 -

Tl;dr - It's not the streak but the friendships I made along the way through writing

Day 1000 - There are no rules other than the laws of physics -

Day 999 - One tech stack to rule them all -

Day 998 - Ambitions of a digital konbini -

🍟 Side project weekend: Added more celebration modals for various streak milestones - 365, 100, 30, 7 days. Visual design needs more work but good first step to celebrating writer's efforts!

🍟 Side project weekend: Added a link to the 1000 day streak profile badge, to trigger the gold badge + confetti modal, so that the user can look at it time and again

🍟 Side project weekend: Confetti optimizations to prevent lag, and some style tweaks to the 1000 day streak modal

Day 997 - 100 days left of 2023 -

Day 996 - The power of a side project -

🍟 Side project weekend: Someone in our community hit 1000 consecutive days of daily writing (and 2 more upcoming)! Made and deployed to Heroku on same day a profile badge and a celebration modal with badge and confetti just for them

Day 995 - New Twitter experiments -

Day 994 - How to launch products over a weekend -

Day 993 - Don't "don't quit" -