Linky IO

Hey! I'm an explorer who makes cool things with code.

Rendvz updates

* Created an app wide API
* Added direct messaging framework
* Started user connection list ui
* Added outbox table
* Fix word-wrap issue

Rendvz database version management

handle when a user with an out of date db structure loads a new version of the website.

Create webRTC demo

webRTC perfect negotiation example.

Worked. And learned a few new webRTC things.

e.g. negotiated channels -> pc.createDataChannel('control',{negotiated:true,id:0})

Review background sync API

Chrome only
Req PWA installed
Freq only (not approx time of day)

Rendvz - local/remote side audio detection.

Web Audio API - AudioContext, createMediaStreamSource, AnalyserNode

Rendvz - Add features

Wakelock - b/c video freezes when phone sleeps.
Add/Remove media (Audio/Video) feature
Mute toggle (via icon and keyboard)
Move speaker mute indicator
Add telemetry (ping time, etc)
Add 'waiting on others' indicator
Text chat


Rendezvous user/use testing


PC <-> Mobile

next: smarter dynamic screen placement.

Complete Linky Rendezvous v1 mvp

A serverless multimedia communication application.

[x] Video call
[x] Audio call
[ ] Text Chat
[ ] Files



Nostr proof of concept live monitor app,search,terms,here

Real-time monitor of nostr posts.

Setup MSS app framework

Signed secure messaging app
WebCrypto .. fun.

Create a basic nostr monitor app (kind 1 events.)

nostr is cool!

Explore nostr