Linky IO

Hey! I'm an explorer who makes cool things with code.

Plan browser connection filter UI


--- show results for just that contact --

Added linky as a makerlog product

Simple client import

One line client import (from the two or three that it was before.)

Bootstrap process

Working bootstrapping sequence to select proper dev, beta, stable support elements.

Ephemerous Video Player

WebApp for sharing a single ephemerous video (p2p.)

How it works:
Create a link and upload a video. Once the last person closes the page the video disappears - never more viewable.

DevOps: project branches

Designed first step of automatic branch forwarding. To support stable, beta, dev channels when visiting application urls.

Setup Makerlog

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

hello and welcome! πŸ‘‹

Linky IO Author

Hello! Thank you!