🧞‍♂️Martin Donadieu
🚀Maker | 🎙Podcaster | 🧞‍♀️ Life Goal : Make 20% of the world 20% happier #business #people #happiness #podcast
fix: plot stock if no company
feat: expose sentiment categorize
style: :boom: rewrite all drivers in standar way
fix: start prediction with last know day
feat(cityfalcon): add date
fix: plot stock if no company
feat: expose sentiment categorize
bump: version 0.13.0 → 0.14.0
feat: add post capability
bump: version 0.23.3 → 0.23.4
bump: version 0.23.2 → 0.23.3
bump: version 0.23.1 → 0.23.2
bump: version 0.23.3 → 0.23.4
fix: airtable connector convertor
bump: version 0.23.2 → 0.23.3
style: :boom: rewrite all drivers in standar way
bump: version 0.23.1 → 0.23.2