🧞‍♂️Martin Donadieu

🚀Maker | 🎙Podcaster | 🧞‍♀️ Life Goal : Make 20% of the world 20% happier #business #people #happiness #podcast

the new website is finally online: https://captime.app still needs to be improved but it will be better for SEO

the new website is finally online: https://captime.app still needs to be improved but it will be better for SEO

the new website is finally online: https://captime.app still needs to be improved but it will be better for SEO

call with <@! 889792794586148864>, it starts from indy, someone else will pick up the topic, not sure it goes anywhere. But claire is staying with us in the community, because she's cool, and maybe going to go solo!

optimization of the sending of messages from the discord bot. Now he knows how to make batches of 2000 carateres messages

Apple refused my app again, but this time for a good reason there is a bug in the screen recording function, I had to patch the lib, but it works now!