Mila Frerichs

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Merge pull request from CivicVision/rm-after-tutorial feat: add RM to all tutorials & tips

feat: rework landingpage the main landingpage should be a resource page where I show my free content but also link to my course the course will live on and the sales page as well update the homepage to reflect that change show simple geojson map code (might want to add the result as well, maybe as a modal overlay?) Add CTAs for email list with weekly content and course link sidebar is visible further down with more getting started content or explanation about d3

feat: start adding new layout to site it will be a resource page instead of the course sales page I want people to teach d3 and just link to the course and promote it via rightmessage and emails

feat: update mobile styles wor code blocks add RM after article pitch to tooltip post (my most popular content right now)

Merge pull request from CivicVision/feat/add-post-tracking-to-ck Feat/add post tracking to ck

feat: add trackiong to Convertkit which posts you read add a tag for the posts subscribers read, and only subsribers. depending on what they already read they don't get certain emails

feat: add trackiong to Convertkit which posts you read add a tag for the posts subscribers read, and only subsribers. depending on what they already read they don't get certain emails

feat: add RM to landingpage we use RM to tailor the pitch to the segmentation of the visitor and when there is no pitch available from RM we default back to the email signup. add questions for the weekly newsletter to the subscribe paghe where I tell the visitor to check their email and confirm. I ask questions to determine which weekly newsletter they will get. Adjust the visdual of the RM form on the start page and the way posts are shown fix: fix rendering of HTML inside of markdown (was disabled with Hugo 0.6

feat: update video course callout add more emphazize on it, add video icon, should be replaced with a preview video

feat: add images to homepage update description for social media update link to my homepage

feat: update sidebar structure add new sections to examples have a separate layout for example list add order to tutorials

Merge branch 'feat/new-homepage' of into feat/new-homepage

feat: add menu for smaller screens use tailwinds docs nice overlay for menu items and fix them to the right to not scroll with the main content