Moi Doktori

Get notified when doctors have open time slots available! Macedonian app.

Did maintenance on the Python bot. Nothing was wrong, it's just been running too smoothly recently 😂😂 Typical programming paranoia

Hit the daily GSuite Mailing limits. Both amazed and irritated that I have to kill the entire app for 24 hours because emails won't go through (it's 99% of the app)...

Go sendgrid 🔥


Another day, another TV appearance 👏 @ljupcho did some fine job in the Live studio!


Waaaaaat?? AWESOME 😱😱


Created media content for the next TV session coming up in a few days 🍾

My app was on Macedonian TV! It's a big channel, and on Thursday there's another LIVE tv shoot. I'm not in Macedonia, but at least there will be a picture of me shown 👌😎

Finished HUGE update (3 days intense coding). Moi Doktori went from just sending emails when doctors have an available slot, to a search page with all doctors + CTA.

Made some notes and todo-lists for my upcoming Hackathon this Friday. Pretty exciting stuff going on, will share all about it once it's up!

Fixed memory leak. The script ran for 3 weeks straight, so it's not terrible! 👌

Re-worked the database to track emails sent from the server, with timestamps, total slots etc. This doesn't change much at all, in fact nothing on the users side, but it'd make me know if users open their emails in the future

Fixed issue with the search autocomplete showing the wrong clinic names

Added pagination for search results. Some resources had the same name, and I only showed 5 things previously