Moi Doktori

Get notified when doctors have open time slots available! Macedonian app.

Created another Python bot that goes through all bounced emails, inactivates them, and logs everything nicely. Before I had to manually do all of this, so that's nice 😎

Upgraded the backend. It's now a bit faster (not needed), spits out cool stats and properly write a log file in case of errors

Created Media package with logo & name (in different resolutions) and made it a link on the about page

Added unsubscribe message when clicking on the link from the emails

Huge update to with legal pages, unsubscribe links in emails, optimized texts and a cool counter in the top right to show live stats of how many slots we've notified people about

Transferred domain to in less than 2 hours (Email, Domain DNS, Server block, SSH, editing HTML & Python links, Social media links). 🔥🔥🔥

Adding a welcome-mail to make sure people don't get their emails stuck in the spam folder. All this suffering because of Mailgun 😡

Changed from Mailgun to GSuite due to the server being Blacklisted TWICE! I contacted support and they put me into another blacklisted server so now my whole domain is getting blocked from 2 major mail-servers 😍 Amaaaaziiiing

Tomas Woksepp Author

I feel you. I'm not set up with GSuite properly but mails won't arrive because they've PREVIOUSLY been flagged as spam 😗 It sucks because the whole app is revolving around this one email….

Tomas Woksepp Author

I use it for majority of my clients in Sweden and I've never had any issues with the mails going to spam. Rookie mistake to even TRY something else


Launched Moi Doktori (Мои Доктори) together with @ljupcho. Finding an open slot for a doctor in Macedonia is VERY difficult. Most of the time it's fully booked in just a matter of minutes. This app lets you pick your doctor and enter your email. Once an open slot is open it send you an email within 5 minutes. The scraper is made in Python and has been optimized to support an insane amount of users at the same time (easily 100,000+) every 5 minutes

Tomas Woksepp Author

As this product is very specific for Macedonia, we are not going to post this on Product Hunt. It was made as a "24 hour startup", but spread over 3 days x 8 hours as we still like sleeping and taking our sweet time. We even took a hike up a mountain to clear our heads 😊

Excited to see how this one will turn out. I have high hopes already as we just passed 50 users signed up before even talking about it much / starting the paid marketing.

This app can literally save lives 😎


Basically done with my new project together with @LjNaumov. In short, it's an automated scraper that will find the best available doctors. Once a doctor is found, the app will send you an email with the time slot. It's a bit more complex than it sounds, but I made it in 24 hours (throughout 3 days, not ditching that sleep!)

Tomas Woksepp Author

Background: We're both in the same city so we decided to meet up, obviously! A few days later LJ asks if I want to meet him at a co-working space to get some work done. Being me, I politely decline, but invites him over for tacos, wine and a nice table where he can get his work done.

He presents his new idea, and 15 minutes later we decided on making a "24 hour startup", but not consecutive, we did it in 3 days because we went hiking, out eating and just generally had a good time.

The app is simple, but the backend is pure perfection.

Here's the website, be aware it's in Macedonian. I have no idea what anything says.

Tomas Woksepp Author

I don't think we'll launch this on Product Hunt as it's not in English and only targets a specific, but large audience.

Overall an amazing experience because it's an actual helpful product that can save lives AND I have proof that I can actually ship products and not work on a MVP for a year 😎