Nic Coates

Product Manager ~ Incident Champion

Polished off the sidebar

Moved images > inline svg, more padding, made the person on-call a pill shape, padding, colours. Looking a lot better!

Create a 7 day schedule on sign up

When a user signs up, it creates a team and also a 7 day schedule using the user as the first team member 🥳

Set up Mailgun for transactional email

Will start with MG for now and then shift over to Postmark in the future once we have some paying customers.

Create Product Hunt teaser

It'll then appear on the Coming Soon page 🥳

Submit to Betapage

Also email back about a possible feature in the newsletter

Design logo

Manish Saraan

Great thanks

Nic Coates Author

Just made it in Figma after playing around with a couple of designs